Saturday, 18 April 2009

A fairground life

So the big news last week was how the homecoming music event at Irvine was cancelled. Even bigger news to me, as I had 2 rides booked up for it. Luckily I have a fall back option, but maybe not so lucky for the other 8 rides booked to attend. I told you all in Januarys posts, that 09 would be an unlucky year. Anyhow we finish here Sunday, a week in the yard then out again, only not to Irvine as previously planned.


At 18 April 2009 at 16:22 , Blogger jesters said...

Had read about the irvine event being cancelled and wondered at the time if your kit was meant to be there. Sorry to hear of another event biting the dust, what was the reason given in the end?
These lost venues are hard to replace, i lost so many in the last two years with the constant rain. The welder was up today and hopefully the work will be done next wknd. Will be glad when thats done, just the rear lights to replace and the re paint to finish a bearing to change and that should be it (for a while). Glad to see the show looking well and good to have blakey back! I have to agree with blakey here as my re furb has been on going for a few months now! You cant rush a good job, lol. Regards to all.

At 18 April 2009 at 20:04 , Anonymous borderer said...

its sad to see so many fairs nowaday going out of existance for one not viable or any other reason. so blakey any chance of a few pics of the finished ride??. ah the budget is looming i wonder what will rise hmmm lets think petrol,diesel,lpg,cigarettes, alcohol all the necesitys(however you spell that word). so quiet week next week showman??. Hope all well.

At 19 April 2009 at 20:38 , Anonymous blakey said...

Showman can rush any job.
Ho by the way showman i havent come across the post were you tell everyone how you destroyed the box for the starter on my weemachine. You owe me for a sheet of ply as well.

At 19 April 2009 at 22:33 , Blogger showman said...

the control box was destroyed by your own faulty hand brake that is spring loaded. I merely tried to put it on when it jumped up at warp speed nearly breaking my wrist as it ploughed through the plywood on the starter box. obviously due to the brakes not working or being adjusted properly. Hence why you have fitted all new cables since then-which means I have really done you a favour-no thanks required.


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