Monday 7 March 2011

a fairground life(cutting it fine)

A few weeks ago we finished up at the mall. To speed things along we had done some clearing up and preparation a couple of days before hand. I would be on a tight schedule as I was off on Holiday first thing Tuesday Morning.That was only a 36 hr window to get things done.
We were to close at 6pm but by 5pm the crew had arrived so we got started. The small items were packed away first and that hour head start was a real benefit. It was just after 6pm when I got into the Miami. "R" and Co were well into the skydiver but progress seemed slow, well I suppose things would be sticky after a winter period. I had the miami nearly finished by the time they appeared to start on the DZ. They had a slight hold up in coupling up the skydiver due to a dead cell on one of the EC11s batteries. We put the booster on it and hit start- the acid in one of the cells jetted through breather holes up into the air about 18 inches but the lorry did start. There had been an old firm game earlier that day and a group of 6 drunk a*******s walk through the site shouting abuse as they went. Being more interested in pulling down than raising to their antagonism we just ignored them. We started on the DZ and by 9pm we were ready to pull out. We took the Miami and Skydiver over the other side of the city to the waste land not far from the house. I arrived first and "r" was a few minutes behind, it turned out that he had to stop to investigate an exhaust problem on the Foden. A 90 degree elbow had fell off and this let the engines roar bellow out uninterupted. So thats a job for a later date. It was now 10pm but this little trip would give us a good head start the next morning for taking them to the yard.
Up at 6am we were on the road for 7am. Again we had to use the booster on the EC11 before it would start. Along the M80 we headed in nose to tail traffic until we reached the yard over an hour later. We set the two trucks but as the skydiver turned sharp into position a suspension retaining bolt sheared. The opposite number to the one we repaired earlier in the year(at least I know how to fix it). That's two jobs clocked up now for repair. We also took the faulty battery off to return it to the supplier under warranty as I had only bought it in June. Heading back to the mall we stopped in to return the battery for testing. The I dropped off "r" to ready his trailer as I headed off to pick up the DZ. Destination Cowdenbeath. We had to get there and build up right away. It was around 12pm and just before 2pm we were on site at the fair. The location was tight and all the other rides were setup except the rock o plane as it was waiting on us to get set. Just as well as there was not enough room left and the DZ had to swap places with the Rock o and then go in edgeways!!! To be honest I was ready to just drive away and forget the whole thing but we just got on with it. The ride was set in edgeways with the paybox at the rear as this was the only way it would fit to build due to a rear fence. This also meant that the rock o had to erect its arms over the fence before raising it's pole. We got the DZ built first then helped the rock o get set. Due to the awkward angle of its pole to clear the fence it took about a dozen men on two straps to pull the arms around over the fence (8ft high) and complete the circumference of the ride. By 6pm both rides were erected and we were headed back to the house eating a fish supper en route. Not bad going as I still had twelve hours before flying and "r" had a couple to spare before heading off to Leeds for a couple of nights out. Although I was stressed and told Mrs Showman I wasn't cutting it this fine ever again!!
(I'm up this late blogging as I'm still jet lagged and out of sync with UK time)


At 7 March 2011 at 22:58 , Blogger borderer said...

evening showman, another informative blog thats what i like about the blogs very detailed and a great read time and time again. how was buisness at cowdenbeath for "r" then?. bet it was good to get away on hols for a while refresh the brain for another season on the road ?its been a quick few months i think personally lambing is days away here at home, hows all the regs cheers borderer.

At 8 March 2011 at 10:34 , Blogger Unknown said...

Didn't expect a post this early showman I thought with all that committee work time would be at a premium, but nice to hear from you again. Pleased you enjoyed the hols, when you take into account all the work through out the season you should have a week off every month. Have been talking to two scottish showman on my walkabouts one was TS and the other was TL and both had nothing but praise for you, particularly TS who knows you very well,gave me a good incite to the travellers world and your family and made me feel very welcome he did say you are the best at rules and regs and an asset to the section.Reading in the back copies of the paper showed one of your gaffs under the banner of TH and sons which was very thoughtful and nice to remember dads name, caught a pic of you at one of the dinners looking resplendent and the fair outside the mall which looked frozen to the bones. The two Gaffs I had a look round were busy but at a pound a ride the (price of a bag of crisps) just can't imagine anyone making a living and only think of you treading water until better times.Hope the coming season is better.Looks like your works going to be cut out Borderer with the lambing about to start,hope the weather holds out till its all finished. Congradulations to Sky C hope you didn't get wrecked at the do, (whens the big day) hope every one makes a goog living this year I think we must be due.
Regards Flatty . (Showman are you sure a pound a pot is a fair price with the price of diesel at an all time high?)

At 8 March 2011 at 12:51 , Blogger showman said...

actually borderer, biz in cowdenbeath was better than expected-even with the ride positioned edgeways and back to front!!!!

john- one thing that has suddenly struck me (and its due to your question) is that there is absolutely no consistency in earnings at a funfair. some have high expenses but high income, some have low income and high expenses, some high income and low expenses and others any combination of the above including making losses and I wonder how that is?? there is also no guarantee that a fair will be the same or close year on year.To answer your question regarding £1 fares, I suppose it's horses for courses, at some fairs you could make this pay IF it encourages out the crowds and at other fairs it might just not be feasible. every industry is using gimmicks to try and get the punter spending.I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures and as I've mentioned before -when we run out of schemes we're knackered.
Spent a few days in London for the MP's evening at start of Feb and then another for appeals at end of Feb. Its good to meet some new faces and chat about common problems.

At 8 March 2011 at 14:31 , Blogger borderer said...

glad to hear buisness was good showman about time, as we are into 2011 now there is a little reminder that 2010 was a bit if a damp squib of a year for many industries and households up and down the uk and abroad into the mix, with the recession (supposedly) over I think some retailers and financial experts thought the worst was over how wrong were they anyways i think 2011 will be a tight one for familys and industries as well as john says prices at the pump are pushing everything up. down here in the borders petrol ranges from 124.9 to 135.9 and diesel 127.9 to 144.9 which i think is bloody ludicrous. As miss b works for a big oil company she knows the true cost of a barrel of oil and we all no ourselves oil companies are profiteering at any chance take for instance latest goings on in libya oh the price at pumps go up but here in scotland and most of britains forecourts oil comes from saudi arabia. So i hope 2011 will see signs of growth for all industries. P.S. showman im looking forward to see your hectic schedule when the 2011 season dates page is uploaded!? lets see them coins roll in this season for your family and every other showman across north and south sections regards borderer.

At 8 March 2011 at 17:44 , Blogger jesters said...

Good to hear the holiday was good showman and that your back on the road to (sunny?) Cowden.
Quiet here at indoor pitch and the usual pre season maint is on going, starting with mot.
Glad to hear the regs are well and also congrats to sky c.


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