Sunday, 3 June 2012

a fairground life (Facebook power)

My father always said there was a wealth of knowledge on a fairground, because if you didn't know the answer, chances were somebody else did. So if that's the case then .......... (driving down the m8 last week and suddenly there is an almighty bang and rush of air similar to a pipe burst. I immediately stop on the hard shoulder and get out for a look, quite expecting to find an air leak, bust suzie or even a blowout. No , none of these,so I climb back in the cab and cautiously set sail again. It Soon become apparent that the lorry is moving fine, all pressure gauges are up, temp is low etc. however at speed there is a distinct air leak noise. I decide to pull into the next services to investigate further. Into Harthill I go. However at low speed there is no leak even if revving the engine, nor were there any fluid leaks so I decide to drive on again. Another 30 miles on ,I arrive at my destination and I have deduced that the leak coincides with the lorry pulling harder. Next day I investigate the problem but can't find anything bust. I take the lorry for a run to try and diagnose it and the leak is still there. I bring it back and tip the cab again, jack the rear wheels off the ground and drive the axle holding the foot brake down.This recreates the problem but even with the cab up we can't trace the source of the air leak.Im all over and under the chassis, brake chambers, valves, tanks,compressor etc. I'm sure it has something to do with the turbo but can't find any fault. Eventually in desperation I post the whole problem on Facebook, within 15 minutes the suggestions are rolling in and the first one turned out to be the answer. It suggested a burst intercooler pipe, so I go out again and look closer at the induction piping and presto!,I spot a missing intercooler pipe clamp. I had a spare but it was too big, so next morning after trying several suppliers , driving many miles and wasting several hours, I arrive back without a clamp.At this I get the welder out, cut the clamp I have down in size and weld it up, all taking only a few minutes.In hindsight I should have done this first.Anyway I put it on and it's A ok after testing.) ..... imagine the wealth of knowledge on Facebook.Maybe $160 billion is its true value  because I certainly couldn't have found that problem without the help.


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