Monday 15 October 2007

a fairground life( French tactics )

So top of the agenda today was to repair the dropzone plug. I set off to get the items needed. I had decided last night that this connection part was always going to be a weak point, so I'm going to do away with it and hard wire the main right into the control box (plus save the price of a new plug). I purchased 10 crimp ends with 8mm eyes. When I got into the job it turned out I did not need the crimps, the cable ends fitted neatly into a connector strip and I tightened them with a hex key. That got us operational , but I will need to weld two irons onto the front of the chassis later to wrap the cable around for transportation. At noon we opened up, the rain came and it was very quiet until 3pm. At that the sun came out for a brief spell, too little too late! That was short lived and at 7pm the heavens opened up and torrential rain fell. The ground quickly started to produce puddles and at 7:30pm we called it a night. With all this spare time sitting in my box (blakey christened the term) waiting for customers I sat and wrote up a list of jobs that need done (28 in total) and worked out my previous weeks diesel bills. The price of fuel is up another 2p a litre, that does not sound much but that is £4 per barrel plus VAT, so it will work out to nearly another £25 per week for me. I can remember my mother complaining in the 70s that petrol would soon be a pound a gallon! Then the government got wide and changed to pricing in litres, all of a sudden petrol was only pennies again, WAIT A MINUTE! you need nearly 5 of those litres to make a gallon. I think we need French tactics and take to the streets.


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