Sunday 24 August 2008

a fairground life

Irvine Marymass.
We opened at 12 noon and unlike last year it seemed slow to get going. The crowds didn't appear until neatly 1pm. Again the drink ban was in force and did make it more comfortable. We were lucky with the weather as the rain didn't come until after 5pm. That was the end of the gaff, the crowds never returned after teatime. When I closed it was hammering down so I just left the pulldown until this morning. I wouldn't be able to do much anyway as everything was to stop at 11pm for the sake of the nearby houses. I was up at 8am and pulled the DZ down by myself as "r" was away with the miami to Dundee for a 1 day event. This was his first shot of the Foden on the road, that's him drove then all now. The digi clip is after the crowds had thinned out around 5pm. I'm off to Millport next week, IF I can get the DZ on the ferry. We have arranged to sail at high tide as this makes the loading ramp less steep. TRUE--> The police came to see my friend the Millport event organiser, seemingly they had a call from the CalMac ferry people. They said that they didn't think we could bring the DZ over on the ferry because (this is true, I kid you not) they were worried that the height of the DZ might make the ferry unstable (capsize it) and the Captain might not be able to see from the crows nest to dock the ferry due to the height of the ride !!!! My friend had to explain to the WPC that the ride travels flat and the tower is raised onsite, that's how we manage to move it along the road without knocking all the motorway bridges down!


At 25 August 2008 at 11:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi showman i am splittin my sides open with that wht a fool thinking it cruises about in fair mode lol, can jst visualise all the bridges down in scotland lol, calmac must be a bit slow on the uptake


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